Oh yikes...school starts next week!

Very quickly we have come to Australia Day and school starts next week. If you apply my new school year checklist you'll feel organised and ready for the first day of term.
Pack lunches as much as possible in advance. Consider getting sets of small containers and prefilling with school snacks that are ready-to-go in the pantry and/or the fridge.
Label all food containers, drink bottles, hats, bags and uniforms. There are many companies who offer iron on and sticker labels or you can use a permanent marker.
Set uniforms out the night before. With a set of 5 plastic drawers for each child you can assign a drawer to each day and plan a week in advance (as long as you enough school uniform to last a week without washing). Another option is to assign a shelf and lay each day in a pile.
Check library bags, sports bags, musical instruments, homework and house keys are packed and ready the night before to avoid stress and tantrums in the morning.
Set the breakfast table the night before. Prepare a healthy and hearty breakfast to keep energy levels high.
Try a morning routine checklist and keep it on the fridge or near the school bags. I quick check on the way out the door will help ensure nothing has been forgotten.
If you are keen on recording memories make time to take a photo on the first day. Pinterest has some great inspiration on making this fun and unique.
Good luck!